Electronic Prescription Service

The quickest way to get your medication

The Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) is an NHS service. It allows your GP to send your prescription directly to the pharmacy of your choice instantly. In order to maximise this service, patients should request their medication either using the NHS app or the Patient Access app. If you are not set up on them, you can ask the practice to help you get set up. If you cannot use these, the best way to request regular medication is via your nominated pharmacy.

What does this mean for you?

  • You will not have to visit your GP practice to pick up your paper prescription. Instead, your GP will send it electronically to the place you choose, saving you time.
  • You will have more choice about where to get your medicines from because they can be collected from a pharmacy near to where you live, work or shop.
  • You may not have to wait as long at the pharmacy as there will be time for your repeat prescriptions to be ready before you arrive.

How can you use EPS?

All prescriptions are now defaulted to EPS so all you need to do is nominate a pharmacy where you would like to collect the medications. Alternatively, if you want to collect from different pharmacies, you can just ask the prescriber to send it via EPS4, which will allow you to collect it from any pharmacy in England (provided you have your NHS number).

The video below has further information about the EPS service.